Roget’s Thesaurus
Language and expression, featuring poems by Stephen Cribari, Carolyn Moore, Laura D. Weeks and Keli Osborn.
Language and expression, featuring poems by Stephen Cribari, Carolyn Moore, Laura D. Weeks and Keli Osborn.
Heritage and homecomings, featuring work by Regina Dilgen, Georgia Gojmerac-Leiner and Parul Shah.8 minutes TRANSCRIPT In 1885, a French steamer arrived in New York with the crates full of steel, bronze, and other prefabricated materials. Workers spent the next year … Continued
Language barriers and gateways, featuring work by Lee Haas Norris, Leah Johnson, Diana Anhalt, and a translation by Mary Fung and David Lunde.
The silly and the serious, featuring pieces by Anne Anthony, Susan Morse and Fran Markover.
Separations and speculations, featuring work by Joseph Levy (translated by Gloria DeVidas Kirchheimer) and Peter Nash.