We publish: two issues of Passager Journal each year; books of poetry, short stories, and memoir; and a biennial book prize for a new poet over 70.

Please see our guidelines for each series below.

Passager Journal | Poetry Contest Issue Guidelines

Poetry Contest

Submission period: February 15 – April 15
Publication: August/September
Accepted genres: poetry only
Up to 5 poems, 40-line max ea.
$20 reading fee, includes 1-year subscription to Passager*
Winner receives $1000 prize plus publication and featured interview.
All honorable mentions published.

Writers must be age 50 or older by September 1, 2025 to submit.

We prefer hard copy submissions, but for your convenience, you may also submit online via Submittable.

7401 Park Heights Ave.

Baltimore, MD 21208

Include a cover letter and brief bio.

Include your name and contact information on each page (even when submitting online).

Checks for the reading fee should be made out to “Passager.” *Due to the costs of international shipping, submissions outside the U.S. will receive a 1-year digital subscription to Passager with their reading fee.

No previously published work will be considered. We do not accept writing AI generated or assisted writing.

Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere!

No email entries accepted.

Unfortunately, we are unable to return submitted work to you.

Work received outside of the submission period will not be considered.

Additionally: Passager has always been about welcoming new voices and giving readers a broad range of the best work by older writers. We wish we could afford to print all the poems and prose we love. Since we can’t, we often (reluctantly!) must make hard choices. If you have had work in a recent issue of Passager, you may submit to the Poetry Contest without interruption each year. However, if your poem has appeared in the 2025 Winter Issue (78) or 2024 Poetry Contest Issue (77), you will only be eligible to win the prize and become the new Passager Poet. You are not eligible for Honorable Mention (the publication of a single poem).

If you have a question that wasn’t answered here, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions About Submitting page before writing to Rosanne at editors@passagerbooks.com.

We urge you to become familiar with Passager before submitting. Read samples of past issues or order sample copies.

All poets will be notified of a decision by June 15, 2025.