Passager Poet
Harry Bauld
and 45 Honorable Mentions
Harry Bauld was twice first-team All-Ivy League shortstop at Columbia University. As a freelance journalist he has written articles about sports, the arts, wine, and other topics for various magazines. His poems have won the New Millennium Writings Award and the Milton Kessler Poetry Prize, and appeared in Nimrod, Southern Poetry Review, and Passager (Issue 49) among others. He currently holds the Kulik Chair in English at Horace Mann School in New York.
Honorable Mentions
Pamela R. Anderson
“The Reichsprotektor Arrives in Old Town Square: Fall 1941”
Dawn Apelian
“Ancient Mariners”
John Barrale
“Boats with Wings and Pajamas with Feet”
Marge Barrett
“To my Brother Tom”
Terry Hall Bodine
Kathryn Bold
“Lotus Feet”
Patricia Bollin
Andrew Brown
“Political Testament of a Lakota from Standing Rock Reservation”
John Carter
“It Could be Worse”
Sherri Felt Dratfield
Art Elser
“October 24, 1962, 3:45AM”
D.G. Geis
“Visit to a Small Planet”
GeneJames Gilbert
“My Grandfather”
John Glowney
“Epiphany in the Lobby of the Thornton Creek Multiplex Theater”
Mac Greene
“Walmart Killed my Granny”
Dori Hale
“After Grief”
Mary Stone Hanley
“Trouble Don’ Last”
Kathleen Hellen
“Things in the Daylight Look Different”
Manuel Igrejas
“Fun City”
Leatha Kendrick
“The Absentee Nana Fixes Her Solitary Lunch”
Susan Kress
“Damson Jam”
Steve Lautermilch
“From the Book of Bread“
Michele Leavitt
“Marriage Bed”
Dennis H. Lee
Richard Levine
“Just Sleeping”
Clif Mason
“Selfie with Emily Dickinson”
Colin McKim
Rosie McMahan
“The Blueberries”
T.P. Murphy
“Maximizing Time”
Jim Nawrocki
Valerie Neal
“When in Doubt, Be Still”
Paul Nelson
“By the Front Door Hibiscus Fan”
Gwynn O’Gara
“The Shocking Now”
Sophia Rivkin
“In the Land of Shrinking Women”
Sam Schmidt
“No One Has Ever Noticed Beauty for Me”
Myra Shapiro
“Ode to Elsewhere”
Jim Smith
“Poetry, Interrupted”
Maryhelen Snyder
“Still Waters: On Being Shepherd and Sheep”
Jack Stewart
“The Fountain and the Statue”
Jim Taylor
“The Pies”
Adrienne Unger
“The Wall, 1989”
Elizabeth Kirkpatrick-Vrenios
“I Hold My Childhood Picture”
Alice Weiss
“Civil War, Japan 1331”
Kory Wells
“Her First Husband was a Carpenter”
James Wyshynski
“How I’ll Get This X-Shaped Scar”
Mary Azrael, Kendra Kopelke, editors. Christine Drawl, managing editor. Pantea Amin Tofangchi, cover art and design.