It’s the soundtrack to our lives and the rhythmic telling of our destinies with poems by Diana la Com, Ruth Moon Kempher and Harry Bauld.
It’s the soundtrack to our lives and the rhythmic telling of our destinies with poems by Diana la Com, Ruth Moon Kempher and Harry Bauld.
The things we use to say what we need and how we feel, with poems by Tony Howarth, Sophia Rivkin and Tim Gillespie.
Enjoying all that came before, what is here now, and what will be with poems by John Glowney, Sharron Singleton, Maryhelen Snyder and Henry Morgenthau.
Witness the blooming of April’s expectations and memories with poems by Rochelle Jewel Shapiro, Jim Zafris, Mike Jurkovic and April Lindner.
Taking a deeper look into our invisible, innermost scars, with poems by Tonia Dixon, Kelly Madigan and Diane Fusting.